ST-ECF HLA data access

The 1-dimensional slitless spectra in the HLA were extracted from grism images at ST-ECF. The extracted spectra, corresponding spectrum and image stamps, and associated data can be obtained in three ways:
  1. The ST-ECF data retrieval form can be used to search, preview and retrieve spectra via a query form. The form provides a wide range of parameters to search for. The form interface is recommended for all-sky searches or for retrieving known datasets.
  2. ESO's VirGO VO tool can be used to display virtual slit positions of the slitless spectra on star maps or DSS images, and either send selected spectra to a VO analysis tool or retrieve them. The tools has to be installed locally first and is available for Linux, MacOs and Windows. This interface is recommended for finding spectra within a selected region of the sky, to directly manipulate selected spectra with VO tools, and/or to view slit positions relative to the position of other available ESO data.
  3. STScI's general HLA web interface includes the NICMOS footprints and data. The access requires the Firefox or Safari browser, no local installation is necessary. This interface is recommended for finding appropriate spectra within a selected region of the sky, and/or to positions of extracted spectra relative to the position of other HST data.