Metadata for the 1D extracted spectra

TTYPE"number" name of column "number"
TFORM"number" data format of column "number"
TUNIT"number unit of column "number"
TUCD"number" UCD of column "number"
TUTYP"number" UTYPE of column "number"
EXTNAME extension name
VOCLASS data model name and version
VOSEGT dataset or segment type
RADECSYS astrometric reference system
REFCAT astrometric reference catalogue
TIMESYS timescale
MJDREF [d] Modified Julian Date zeropoint
SPECSYS spectral frame origin
VOPUB the VO publisher
VOPUBDID URI for VO publisher
VORIGHTS the data is public
VODATE data release date
AUTHOR author name
VOVER VO data version
VOREF URL for documentation
CONTACT contact for help
EMAIL contact email
TITLE unique title
CREATORdata creator
VERSION data release version
DATE file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)
VOLOGO data creator logo
TELESCOP the observing facility
INSTRUME the instrument used
DSSOURCE character of data
COLLECT name of data collection
TIMESDIM SI factor and dimensions
SPECSDIM SI factor and dimensions
FLUXSDIM SI factor and dimensions
FLUX_UCD flux axis ucd
FLUX_CAL flux calibration status
SPEC_UCD spectral axis ucd
SPEC_RP "lambda/d_lambda" at 6563AA, ISR ACS 2008-01
SPEC_SYE [angstrom] rms-error in wavelength calibration
SPEC_ERR [angstrom] wavelength statistical error
SPEC_CAL spectral calibration status
TIMEUNIT unit for time
POSERR [arcsec] position error
FILTER the main optical element
CR_IDENT software version used to generate data
PHOTMODE optical elements in the light path
SPEC_FIL no gaps in the spectrum
SPECBAND bandpass description
SKY_RES [arcsec/pix] the pixel scale
CRETYPE dataset creation type
APERNUM beam identification
ASN_ID association name
OBJECT the target name
FILENAME fits file name
DS_IDENT unique identification for the data
RA_TARG [deg] the target right ascension
DEC_TARG [deg] the target declination
RA [deg] RA location of spectral axis
DEC [deg] DEC location of spectral axis
EQUINOX coordinate equinox
GAL_LONG [deg] galactic longitude
GAL_LAT [deg] galactic latitude
ECL_LONG [deg] ecliptic longitude
ECL_LAT [deg] ecliptic latitude
OBJSHAPA [arcsec] major axis extent
OBJSHAPB [arcsec] minor axis extent
OBJPA [deg] orientation of major axis in NESW
DRZAPLEN [arcsec] slit length on the drizzled image
OBJTYPE Object treated as poinlike (1/0 = y/n)
WCSOFFRA [arcsec] RA offset applied to the WCS
WCSOFFDE [arcsec] DEC offset applied to the WCS
WCSNOBJ number of sources used for offset determination
WCSNOBJ1 # of UCAC2 sources in offset determination
WCSNOBJ2 # of 2MASS-PSC sources in offset determination
WCSNOBJ3 # of SDSS-DR5 sources in offset determination
WCSNOBJ4 # of USNO-B1.0 sources in offset determination
WCSNOBJ5 # of GSC2.3.2 sources in offset determination
WCSNOBJ6 # of GOODS sources in offset determination
XSHIFT [pix] x-shift for extraction
YSHIFT [pix] y-shift for extraction
RFMAGVAL AB magnitude from SExtractor
RFMAGERR AB magnitude error from SExtractor
RFMAGFIL the "best" filter in the sample
MAGBAND1 filter name for spectral magnitude
SMAG1 spectral AB magnitude value
SMAGERR1 spectral AB magnitude error
MAGBAND2 filter name for spectral magnitude
SMAG2 spectral AB magnitude value
SMAGERR2 spectral AB magnitude error
DER_SNR derived SNR
SPECDISP [angstrom/pix] dispersion of spectral axis
IMCMB"number" name of contributing dataset "number"
APERLEN [arcsec] slit length
APERWID [arcsec] slit width
APERTURE aperture name
APERPA [deg] slit orientation on sky NESW
SPEC_BW [angstrom] width of the spectral axis
SPEC_VAL [angstrom] mean of the spectral axis
TDMIN1 [angstrom] start of the spectral axis
TDMAX1 [angstrom] end of the spectral axis
TDMIN2 [e/s] minimum counts
TDMAX2 [e/s] maximum counts
TDMIN4 [erg/cm^2/s/angstrom] minimum flux
TDMAX4 [erg/cm^2/s/angstrom] maximum flux
FLUXMAX2 [erg/cm^2/s/angstrom] 98% maximum flux
FLUXAVG [erg/cm^2/s/angstrom] average flux value
TDMIN6 [erg/cm^2/s/angstrom] min. flux contamination
TDMAX6 [erg/cm^2/s/angstrom] max. flux contamination
EXPOSURE [s] total exposure time
TSTART [MJD] start of first exposure
TSTOP [MJD] end of last exposure
TMID [MJD] midterm of observations
DATE-OBS UT observation start time
FTPRT_AP footprint of the 'slit'
FTPRT_EX footprint of the 'slit'
DATALEN number of spectral points
LONGSTRN the OGIP long string convention may be used.

Metadata for the 2D grism stamps

EXTNAME extension name
OBJECT the target name
RA [deg] the target right ascension
DEC [deg] the target declination
APERNUM beam identification
ASN_ID association name
GAL_LONG [deg] galactic longitude
GAL_LAT [deg] galactic latitude
ECL_LONG [deg] ecliptic longitude
ECL_LAT [deg] ecliptic latitude
OBJSHAPA [arcsec] major axis extent
OBJSHAPB [arcsec] minor axis extent
OBJPA [deg] orientation of major axis in NESW
DRZAPLEN [arcsec] slit length on the drizzled image
OBJTYPE Object treated as poinlike (1/0 = y/n)
WCSOFFRA [arcsec] RA offset applied to the WCS
WCSOFFDE [arcsec] DEC offset applied to the WCS
XSHIFT [pix] x-shift for extraction
YSHIFT [pix] y-shift for extraction
MAGBAND_i filter name for spectral magnitude i
SMAG_i spectral AB magnitude value i
SMAGERR_i spectral AB magnitude error i
RFMAGFIL the "best" filter in the sample
RFMAGVAL AB magnitude from SExtractor
RFMAGERR AB magnitude error from SExtractor

Metadata for the 1D direct images

The zeroth extension of the direct image stamp contains the metadata:
OBJECT the target name
RA [deg] the target right ascension
DEC [deg] the target declination
APERNUM beam identification
ASN_ID association name
GAL_LONG [deg] galactic longitude
GAL_LAT [deg] galactic latitude
ECL_LONG [deg] ecliptic longitude
ECL_LAT [deg] ecliptic latitude
OBJSHAPA [arcsec] major axis extent
OBJSHAPB [arcsec] minor axis extent
OBJPA [deg] orientation of major axis in NESW
OBJTYPE Object treated as poinlike (1/0 = y/n)
BEAMPA [deg] trace angle at sky NESW
SLITPA [deg] slit orientation on sky NESW
SLITLENG [arcsec] slit length
SLITWIDT [arcsec] slit width
WCSOFFRA [arcsec] RA offset applied to the WCS
WCSOFFDE [arcsec] DEC offset applied to the WCS

The higher extensions have the WCS keywords (RA/DEC) and the metadata:
ORIENTAT position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)
BUNIT Units of science product
DATE-OBS UT date of start of observation (yyyy-mm-dd)
TIME-OBS UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss)
EXPTIME [s] co-added exposure time
OBJ_XPOS x-position of object
OBJ_YPOS y-position of object
MAGZERO zeropoint for AB-magnitudes
MAGVAL AB-magnitude value from SExtractor (MAG_AUTO)
MAGERR AB-magnitude error from SExtractor (MAG_AUTO)
FILTER imaging filter
EXTNAME extension name