Data processing

ACS G800L grism pointings in the Archive were first grouped in data associations, following pre-defined rules on sky position, roll angles, and availability of direct images, resulting in 153 fields (see Figure and Table). The PHLAG pipeline [3] was used for the end-to-end data processing of all associations. The core component of this pipeline is the aXe software, developed by ECF [4] to reduce the slitless mode data of HST, which was used for the NICMOS grism spectra and then further developed to optimally deal with ACS spectra. The data reduction process includes the following steps:

Data quality control

As part of the quality control of the input association, the following strategy was adopted:

As a result of this first QC process, 15 associations were not included in this release. These are indicated in the Table of failed associations, along with the main reason for the exclusion.

Quality control of individual objects within associations:

Global correction to the object positions:

Assessment of direct imaging fidelity: