PRO extract1d_ACS,specname,centery,numpix,outname,PYES=pyes,OPTEX=exopt ; NAME: ; EXTRACT1D_ACS ; PURPOSE: ; Extract a 1D spectrum from a 2D ACS slitless grism image in a given aperture. ; EXPLANATION: ; Program to be used together with reduced 2D ACS slitless grism spectra, in ; order to extract 1D spectra in a rectangular or optimal extraction aperture ; with any given size. Optimal extraction first fits the profile of the ; spectrum in the direction perpendicular to the dispersion and applies this ; profile to perform optimal extraction. No aperture correction is applied in ; either extraction, i.e. the result will be a lower estimate of the flux. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; EXTRACT1D_ACS, specname, centery, numpix, outname, [PYES], [OPTEX] ; ; INPUTS: ; specname - Name (string) of 2D grism fits file containing the spectrum. ; centery - Y pixel to extract centred spectrum above and below. ; numpix - Size of box to extract from, in HST pixels. ; outname - Name (string) of output spectrum in ASCII format, with the ; first column being wavelength in Angstroms, second column ; the extracted spectra in f_lambda (erg/s/cm2/AA), third column ; the error on the spectrum in f_lambda and fourth column ; the contamination in f_lambda. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; PYES - Set to 1 if the extracted spectrum should be plotted. ; OPTEX - Set to 1 if optimal extraction is wanted. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Extracted spectrum is written to the 'outname' ASCII file. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; 2D grism spectrum is stored in 'UDFNICP1_spec901A.2Dstamp.fits' and we wish ; to extract a new spectrum around central y-pixel 61, in a box of 3 pixels. ; The result will be stored in the ASCII file '' and it will also be ; plotted on the screen. ; ; IDL> EXTRACT1D_ACS,'UDFNICP1_spec901A.2Dstamp.fits',61,3,'',PYES=yes ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The extraction is performed symmetrically around the central y pixel chosen, ; i.e. if the central y position is close to the edge of the image this will ; contrain the extraction box which may miss flux at the edges. ; ; PROCEDURES CALLED ; MRDFITS(), READCOL(), SXPAR(), WRTAB_EXP() ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Written K.K. Nilsson May 2010 on_error,2 !EXCEPT=0 angstrom = '!6!sA!r!u!9 %!6!n' if N_params() lt 4 then begin print,'Syntax - EXTRACT1D, specname, centery, numpix, outname, [PYES], [OPTEX]' return endif if size(specname,/tname) NE 'STRING' then $ message,'ERROR - Supplied SPECNAME keyword must be a scalar string' if size(outname,/tname) NE 'STRING' then $ message,'ERROR - Supplied OUTNAME keyword must be a scalar string' !P.charsize=1.5 !P.charthick=2 centery=centery-1 im=mrdfits(specname,1,hdr,/silent) wl0=sxpar(hdr,'CRVAL1') wl0x=sxpar(hdr,'CRPIX1') wlstep=sxpar(hdr,'CDELT1') wl=findgen(n_elements(im(*,0)))*wlstep+wl0-(wl0x-1)*wlstep wlind=where(wl ge 4300 and wl le 10700) wl=wl(wlind) majax=sxpar(hdr,'OBJSHAPA') minax=sxpar(hdr,'OBJSHAPB') objang=sxpar(hdr,'OBJPA') slitwi=2.35/sqrt((cos(objang*!pi/180)^2/majax^2+sin(objang*!pi/180)^2/minax^2)) readcol,'ACS.WFC.1st.sens.7.dat',wlsens,sens,format='D,D,X',/silent newx2=findgen(301)-150. newres=6563./(66.0*0.11/slitwi)/40. newgauss=double(exp(-newx2^2/(2*(newres/(2*sqrt(2.*alog(2.))))^2))/total(exp(-newx2^2/(2*(newres/(2*sqrt(2.*alog(2.))))^2)))) newflux=convol(double(sens),newgauss,/edge_truncate) sens2=interpol(newflux,wlsens,wl) newtab=dblarr(4,n_elements(wlind)) newtab(0,*)=wl extnum=[1,2,4] for o=0,2 do begin im=mrdfits(specname,extnum(o),hdr,/silent) sumfrom=max([0,centery-numpix/2]) sumto=min([n_elements(im(0,*))-1,centery+numpix/2]) if o eq 0 then begin prof=dblarr(n_elements(im(0,*))) for j=0,n_elements(prof)-1 do begin prof(j)=total(im(*,j))/n_elements(im(*,j)) endfor endif if o eq 0 or o eq 2 then begin onedspec=dblarr(n_elements(im(*,0))) for n=0,n_elements(im(*,0))-1 do begin onedspec(n)=total(im(n,sumfrom:sumto)) endfor if keyword_set(exopt) then begin fluxnorm=total(onedspec) onedspec=dblarr(n_elements(im(*,0))) for n=0,n_elements(im(*,0))-1 do begin onedspec(n)=total(prof(sumfrom:sumto)*im(n,sumfrom:sumto)) endfor onedspec=onedspec*fluxnorm/total(onedspec) endif endif if o eq 1 then begin onedspec=dblarr(n_elements(im(*,0))) for n=0,n_elements(im(*,0))-1 do begin onedspec(n)=total(im(n,sumfrom:sumto)^2) endfor onedspec=sqrt(onedspec) if keyword_set(exopt) then begin fluxnorm=total(onedspec) onedspec=dblarr(n_elements(im(*,0))) for n=0,n_elements(im(*,0))-1 do begin onedspec(n)=total(prof(sumfrom:sumto)^2*im(n,sumfrom:sumto)^2) endfor onedspec=sqrt(onedspec)*fluxnorm/total(sqrt(onedspec)) endif endif fluxy=onedspec(wlind)/sens2(wlind)/40. if keyword_set(pyes) and o eq 0 then begin ymin=max([0.9*min(fluxy(where(wl ge 5500 and wl le 9500))),1E-20]) ymax=1.1*max(fluxy(where(wl ge 5500 and wl le 9500))) plot,wl,fluxy,/ylog,xra=[5000,10000],/xsty,xtitle='Wavelength ('+angstrom+')',$ ytitle='Flux (erg s!U-1!N cm!U-2!N '+angstrom+'!U-1!N)',thick=3,yra=[ymin,ymax],/ysty fluxy0=fluxy endif if keyword_set(pyes) and o eq 1 then begin oploterror,wl,fluxy0,fluxy,thick=3 endif if keyword_set(pyes) and o eq 2 then begin oplot,wl,fluxy,thick=3,linesty=1 endif newtab(o+1,*)=fluxy endfor wrtab_exp,newtab,outname end